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run away from
casual sex

fast food love

​increasing people engage in casual sex



According to data analysis, Singaporean users spent US$7.1 million on dating apps in 2019, 80% higher than in 2017 (US$3.9 million).

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dating app increase in users

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From 1995-2015, the number of people downloading apps increased in every age group

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Increasing number not only in adult but children!

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rejuvenation of casual sex

In 2009, Channel NewsAsia reported: "Increasing numbers of underage teenagers in Singapore believe casual sex is normal and acceptable." At the 3rd Children's Society, Singapore Children's Society Youth Services Director Karol Balkh Carol Balhetchet said: "The message across all forms of media is that it's cool to be open about your sexuality.

They tend to experiment and try, literally try it out, if you're not in the group that tried it, then you're not cool. " "The problem of underage sex with teens has been on the rise in recent years. Cases involving consensual sex with girls under the age of 14 (equivalent to statutory rape) have almost doubled in the past five years - from five years to The previous 160+ cases have increased to 300 this year. Prof Woon said there could be more as these are only reported cases.



how harmful is casual sex?

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Sex with multiple unknown partners, sexual arousal lies in anonymity, adventure and novelty. Anonymous sex has high risk factors such as STDs and putting yourself in a dangerous and vulnerable situation. Drug addicts often engage in this behavior in public places such as nightclubs, thinking it is normal behaviour.

harm both physical and mental

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How likely is an STD caused by casual sex.

Syphilis, gonorrhea and HPV were among the highest risk of infection in one-night stands without using safe sex, with the highest infection rate of 85.7%.

Even if a partner uses a condom, they can still transmit certain STDs, such as genital warts, herpes, and syphilis, because these diseases are contracted through skin-to-skin contact.

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The eight most common STDs are:

Out of these eight infections, only four are incurable.

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The researchers recruited a multiracial sample of 3,907 single heterosexual college students, ages 18 to 35, from 30 universities across the United States.

  • 18.6% of men and 7.4% of women reported having at least one sexual encounter in the month prior to the study

  • Those who had recent casual sex reported lower levels of self-esteem, life satisfaction, psychology, and well-being than those who had not had casual sex

  • Those who had casual sex reported higher levels of depression and social and general anxiety than those who did not.

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