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My inspiration mainly comes from my own personal experience and the status of my current friends.  Most of my friends are still in college, and basically every one of them has experienced casual sex.

Based on my own love experience, I think this world is too impetuous. Everyone blindly falls in love because of novelty, and then leaves in a hurry.  Love in this fast food era is as short as a tiktok video,  nobody want to spend time running in.  people no longer seek a spiritual collision, but a body to fill their lust.

I'm depressed by cheap love.


metaphorical relationshipbetween fast food and casual sex

Common point 
I think the relationship between fast food and casual sex is quite similar, they both have a lot in common.  


many options

There are many options.  



They all have a sense of freshness.

Just like McDonald's will often launch new products. Casual sex often occurs under the impetus of novelty.  



None of them are healthy.  Fast food is fried food, eating too much will lead to obesity.  However, casual sex is not only harmful to mental and physical health.  Physically, because there are too many uncertain risks in casual sex, especially one-night stands between strangers, this uncertainty can lead to sexually transmitted diseases.  Psychologically, people who experience casualness are more likely to have psychological problems, such as depression.  



They have the same means of acquisition, that is, online and offline.  For fast food, you can order takeaway on your mobile phone or you can go to offline restaurants.  Random sex can obtain resources of the opposite sex through mobile dating software, and at the same time, you can go to bars to find them.  



They are both fast.  The fast food process is fast.  At the same time, it is easy to have one-night stands with strangers in bars.



They cost very little.  Fast food is cheap.  Also, the cost of casual sex is very low. The conditions for casual sex can be a handsome face, a dinner, and alcohol.



They are distributed everywhere.  There are many casual letters in fast food chain stores, which can happen to anyone, for example, it can be a stranger, your neighbor, your colleague, or your classmate.

Project Purposes & Overview

Make people pay attention to sexual disease what casual sex may bring.

I hope that everyone may rethink the definition of love and the disadvantages of casual sex.

Although fast food looks delicious, eating too much fast food will always cause diarrheal.

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